Who are we?
Errer (pronounced èrréé) comes from French and stands for wandering, roaming, traveling, hanging around. This is how we see ourselves in life. We aim to create a life that combines creativity, adventure and freedom. Spending time in nature, but also working on our backdrop collection and enjoy cooking delicious food. We simply want to do the things we like. Living healthy and enjoy our adventures together.

Our logo is a sign whether to go left or right. It’s a symbol for our choices we make and the road we take in our life, changing direction from time to time. Remco and I are both entrepreneurs. First in fashion and now in photography. After we both completed the bachelor study AMFI (Amsterdam Fashion Institute) in Amsterdam we launched our high-end clothing knitwear brand. At first, we only sold our brand to retailers. This was going very well and we decided to open a store in Haarlem to sell our brand. In 2012 we decided to close our store as the rent was too high and the market became very difficult due to the financial crisis.
We always follow our heart. And live the life we want to live. This sounds simple, but it can be complicated sometimes. How often are people influenced by people around them. Friends, parents and random people often have an opinion. We ask ourselves all the time what is important to us instead of doing what is considered as ‘normal’. Nobody should decide what you must do. Everyone has a choice, even if you think you haven’t.
Our life
We want to think in challenges and not in certainty. Traveling through life. Turning our back to ‘9 to 5’ mentality, daily routine and collecting lots of stuff. We want to live an adventurous and creative lifestyle where entrepreneurship and plant-based food are integrated in our daily life.
People often expect you to buy a house with a mortgage, getting married, work five days a week and have kids. For other people it’s a dream, for us it’s not a path we choose. We rather face new challenges, adventures and search for freedom.
Don’t let anyone make you think your dreams are not realistic or achievable. Often people are judging because they don’t try it themselves.
Plant-based lifestyle
Being vegan is very important to us. We quit eating meat in 2011 and frankly we now regret we didn’t decide it much earlier.
Since January 2020 we live on a plant-based diet and we started a vegan recipe blog. Because why should we still eat other animal products like milk and eggs? There is so much cruelty behind these industries too.
Animal cruelty is our main reason to eliminate animal products. Now we consider it as barbaric that animals are seen as ‘meat’ and not as living beings. That we use and murder them on such large scale only for human consumption. Secondly, global warming and the negative impact on nature also play a huge role to abandon animal products. A plant-based diet is the best thing you could do to reduce your environmental impact on earth. Also, a vegan diet has many health benefits and we have never felt so much energy in our body.
Now we know it’s really not difficult to skip animal products. There are so many alternatives available. However, at the moment we don’t spend time on developing recipes as designing backdrops takes all our time.
Our plans
We are grateful we started this backdrop business in 2020, it brings us a lot of new challenges and positivity. Designing backdrops is very dynamic and fun. What we love the most is that we sell a product that will be part of other people’s work. It’s very rewarding to see our prints in work of other creatives. Making money is no priority for us, we prefer to do the things we love. Creating and being connected with nature and like minded people.
Our love for animals is huge and especially cats have a special place in our hearts. That’s why we support Greek Cat Care Foundation and give a percentage of every sale to this charity where volunteers are working hard to save stray cats in Greece.
Remco and I dream about having a little farm with rescued animals somewhere in the countryside in Southern Europe. With a piece of land where we can grow our own veggies and fruits. With a large barn where we have our photo studio and atelier to create and photograph our backdrops. Settle into nature and being arty.
Do you want to follow us in our journey? Go to our Instagram page @errer.backdrops. Or are you interested to collaborate with us? Send us then an email to info@errer.com.